Coffee Filter Water Lilies and Lily Pads
Five white coffee filters for each lily/lily pad
1 white mini muffin baking cup for each
Washable markers in green, pink, yellow and purple.
Twist ties or 2 inch bits of pipe cleaner
Hot glue and glue gun
First, decide how many lily pads you want and count out that many coffee filters. Take a green washable marker and scribble all over the filter. It’s ok to have some blank spots. Next, spread the filters out over a cookie sheet. Spray with water from a spray bottle until the filters are soaked. Put them somewhere they can dry. I put mine in the oven on the lowest setting until dry. Set them aside for later. Do the same with the mini muffin cups using a yellow marker.
Next multiply the number of lilies you need by four. Decide how many you want of each color. I did some in white, yellow, pink and purple. For the ones with color, follow the same directions above using the colors you want, using four filters for each flower.
Once dry, take four of the same color and make a stack.
Next, scrunch them in the middle and tie with a twist tie or bit of pipe cleaner.
Separate the layers, below is what one side will look like.
Here’s what both sides looks like.
Take each baking cup and make little snips all around, following the folds already in the cup. It is also helpful to make a few longer cuts that go almost to the middle. These will make it easier to put them in the flower.
Now you are ready to put the lily pads together.
Glue the yellow baking cup into the middle of the flower and fluff.
Finally, position the lily onto the lily pad at a bit of an angle and close to the edge so it looks as if it is coming up from the water below and resting on the pad. Make a small triangular cut in the lily pad to finish it off.
Placing the lily pads on a blue tablecloth looks nice.
Some were placed on green tablecloths. Here we find a little froggy resting on the lily pad.
Linked to Bear Rabbit Bear, Today's Creative Blog, and Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom.
Thanks for linking to Crafts for Under Twenty Somethings! Loved the ideas! You are very creative.